

Sharon Milne Barbour is based in Newport, South Wales, UK, she is a medium, spiritual teacher, mentor and author, mediumship readings and teaches meditation and spiritual development. Sharon is a very experienced spiritual teacher guided by her guides to bring out the individual unique abilities each student has. She is also the author of seven international selling books including ‘Step into the mind of a medium’.

With Sharon you will learn to turn negativity energy in to positive energy, hence guiding you forward in to a positive future and way of thinking. You will be surprised how a mediumship reading or spiritual mentoring can change your life for the better.

Sharon also sell her books, meditations and CIMBart on her Etsy Shop

Sharon is also the founder member of the One Spiritual Movement. Please join the FaceBook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesm/. Website will be revealed soon and more information will follow.

To find out where Sharon is @ events or workshops in 2020, visit the other sections of the website for up to-date information. Also visit our online Etsy shop for spiritual art by and gifts.

Please read the disclaimer under mediumship if you plan to come and have a reading or healing with Sharon

NEW Book RELEASE – New Earth – The light beyond the horizon

This book will enlighten you in ways you could never imagine and will guide you through a journey of wonder that humanity can make their reality. This story is about a physical and multidimensional being called Anikelican from the planet Diacurat – revealing her experience as an incarnated soul on earth set in the future. As her story unfolds, she reveals the history of ascension beings that have visited Earth. The story starts millions of years ago and finishes in the twenty third century. While she tells her story we learn about the awakening period of the twenty first century and how this created the ‘New Earth’ frequency. This leads to the her explaining the future ascension of the human race living side-by-side with alien beings.

It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on my own shop.

Bengalrose shop


The Light within Atlantis

A story of a physical and multidimensional being from the planet Diacurat. Revealing her experience as an incarnated soul in a humanoid form in ancient Atlantis on earth. As her story unfolds, she reveals the history of Atlantis and its downfall, the involvement of the twelve Celestial Guardians, Intergalactic Council and overseers of the universe. While she tells her story we learn about her life on Diacurat and she reveals many other planets and dimensions to us.

This is a story of finding the light in the universe, the utopia we all seek which was once found in the times of ancient Atlantis. This was a time of miracles, wonder and love with a divine connection to the highest power source in the universe. This book will enlighten you in ways you could never imagine and will guide you through a journey of wonder we can only dream off.

Sharon is also delighted to have been interviewed by Les Jenson from New Human living about this book – the show airs on Wed January 15th 2010 7pm USA time Colorado or Uk time January 16th 2am, the link is always there for you to listen to. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/newhumanliving/2020/01/16/the-light-within-atlantis-with-sharon-milne-barbour

It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on my own shop.

Bengalrose shop


Heavenly guidance

This must-have guidance book has been written by Sharon inspired from her guides and other heavenly beings. They know you will love this inspirational guidance book which the content Sharon uses in her work to help guide others on their life’s spiritual journey. The pages are full of 100 plus inspiring verses and wisdom. There are also 44 daily guidance inspirations messages for you at the back of the book to help guide you on your life’s path.  This book is also aimed at mediums, spiritual teachers and celebrants to help guide, inspire and heal your clients, students or audience on their spiritual path with our words. These guidance messages will inspire your life and others and bring the help and guidance you all need to find your true self’s.

It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on my own shop.

Bengalrose shop


The mediums handbook ‘Step into the Mind of a Medium

Welcome to our book ‘Step into the Mind of a Medium’, we have come together with Sharon a very experienced spiritual teacher to provide a book that will guide you on your spiritual journey – The journey to become a medium. This book will give you the tools to take your journey towards mediumship and healing; imagine this book is your handbook of guidance. We have stepped into the mind of a medium and this book is based on experiences of a human who has already taken the journey, what they discovered, and what they learnt. Many of you taking this journey will be guided to become spiritual teachers and advocates for the spirit realm in the future. So we have included some teaching exercises to inspire the teachers among you, but also to inspire you, the student. Now take the next step and enjoy the journey! The magazine in July 2018 spot our book and wrote a review.

It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on my own shop.

Bengalrose shop


Ayderline the spirit within

51pM5fhTN-L Welcome to our book ‘Ayderline the spirit within’, An amazing story following a spirit through her multiple life’s. This is the story of Ayderline, the spirit within, a multidimensional being from the spirit realm. She is going to take you on a journey through time and dimensions, enabling you to experience with her some of her physical lives. Her story begins in the spirit realm before she travels to earth to ancient Greece, at the time of the end of the Roman Empire. Her Earth lives and experiences continue to take you to the Viking period, the age of Napoleon, England’s green farmlands, the Second World War and then as far as your modern day. Along the way, you will share her experiences of dying from a broken heart, the fear of war, love, survival and heartache. As well as all this, you will be taken on a journey to another planet and be part of her physical existence as a highly evolved ascension being.

It is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on Etsy and my own shop.

The Magic of Words

cover Welcome to our book ‘The Magic of Words’, we have written this book for all of humanity as we wish all future children of your world to be bought up in a vibration of love and positivity and we feel their thoughts and words are key to this happening. You will learn from this book to stay in the positive energy vein, and how to stay in that magical way of being. While on your life’s journey on this earth you are guided by words from your first breath. Words inspire you and change the way you think. This magical book is full of positive quotes and words of inspiration to help guide you on your life’s path. Please share these words out to your fellow mankind to teach and inspire others while on your life’s journey.

The Magic of Words is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on Etsy


The Magic of Spirit

coverweb This book is for all of humanity to learn about Spiritualism and when you connect with spirit how your life can change for the better. There is information and their meanings about the signs the spirit realm leave for you for example feathers, coins and numbers are just a few of them. There is a story of a light workers journey with spirit and what she learnt on that Journey. There is also a Spiritual Alphabet for guidance and inspiration to be used in your spiritual churches, circles and teachings. As well as all this they talk about the Elemental beings and other of world societies that wish to help mankind. If you are just interested in spiritualism, or the life of spiritualism then this book is for you. The ‘Magic of Spirit’ has been written by the spirit realm for mankind to see how the divine touch of spirit can change you in an uplifting and positive way. You will be inspired, my friends, by the words in this book, which is full of information and guidance from us on awareness of spirit and the signs we leave for you. Remember the key to the magic of spirit is love.

The magic of Spirit is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on Etsy



Utopia book ad1 The must-read book ‘Utopia’ has been written by Sharon Bengalrose and her spirit team, to enlighten mankind about the spirit world, the outside influences that have affected Earth’s history, mankind’s beliefs and religions. Sharon and her team want you to read this book and draw your own conclusions, but their hope is that from this book, you will take a positive step forward on your life’s path. Every positive step from one human is a positive step forward for mankind, which will help you all work as one, care and protect each other, creating a world of unity. You all deserve happiness, comfort and enlightenment, which Sharon and her spirit team know you will find in this book.


Utopia is available on Amazon as a paper back and Kindle version, also on Etsy

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Please contact Sharon for more information or a booking.








