The light within Atlantis-old

Author Sharon Barbour
A story of a physical and multidimensional being from the planet Diacurat. Revealing her experience as an incarnated soul in a humanoid form in ancient Atlantis on earth. As her story unfolds, she reveals the history of Atlantis and its downfall, the involvement of the twelve Celestial Guardians, Intergalactic Council and overseers of the universe. While she tells her story we learn about her life on Diacurat and she reveals many other planets and dimensions to us.

This is a story of finding the light in the universe, the utopia we all seek which was once found in the times of ancient Atlantis. This was a time of miracles, wonder and love with a divine connection to the highest power source in the universe. This book will enlighten you in ways you could never imagine and will guide you through a journey of wonder we can only dream off.

Medium and holistic healer
Sharon Milne Barbour from Bengalrose Healing is a international medium and holistic healer based in Newport, South Wales (UK). Through her work with spirit, she loves to help people find happiness and heal; raising their positive energy levels with messages from loved ones in spirit. Also her passion is to teach others about the spiritual path and mediumship. Her seventh book ‘The light within Atlantis’, follows on from her previous books, ‘Utopia’ – ‘The Magic of Spirit’ – ‘The Magic of Words’ – ‘Ayderline the Spirit Within’ – ‘Step into the Mind of a Medium’ – ‘Heavenly Guidance’ and ‘Inspiration Guidance Cards’.

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What people say…

“WOW! Blew my mind. I’ve always had questions about Atlantis, this book answers them and more. Great read”