Time is a healer

My son says good buy to day to a friend. He will stand hand in hand at the funeral with his other friends, all trying to understand the loss of their dear friend. There will be tears and laughter as they reminisce over the happy times of what he used to do and say. They will find comfort with each other and over time the pain will fade and all the happy memories will shine through. As they say good buy to the physical form they know his spirit lives on. He will want all of them to smile and move on with their lives, shining out to mankind doing the best they can with their lives.

Time is the healer

To be whole is to be honest with yourself.

Time distorts memories and trust.

The memory left is not what truly was.


To trust is based on true self-worth.

Move on forward, do not look back.

Your memories are left back in time.


Your past will always be there with you

Bring forward the love, not the hurt

Time is your healer; just trust in us.